Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? Our modern landscape has undergone vast changes and diverse augmentation. Not the least of which is job/career preparation. These changes have required us to reevaluate our educational process. How and why are we preparing our youth, and which jobs/careers should we be preparing them for? Technological advances, along with other variables, have caused us to question such issues. The need for a college degree remains at the top of the list.

Is College Really Worth It? Many say that college is proving to be a WASTE of TIME, ENERGY, and not the least of which – MONEY! Is the INCURRED DEBT really worth it? This debt negativly impacts people and families, many times creating desparate situations. Most folks require multiple generations to repay. May we suggest an easier path?

Firstly, college tuition is never coming down. I think we can agree on that. Grades are going up, however success rates with regard to “The Real World” are DECLINING. So what’s wrong?

One could question the amount of teaching/learning occurring in colleges these days, however, their fees are ever increasing. Try that in a private business and you may get indicted for fraud, but do it at an American college or university, and you’re rewarded with billions in taxpayer subsidies.

Is College Worth It?

OK, so check this out:

45% of college students “SHOWED NO SIGNIFICANT IMPROVMENT IN LEARNING” over the first two years of college, moreover, 40% learned absolutely nothing for the entire four year period.

Obviously, College is not producing Smarter People – Because . . . .

is college worth it

Many Students never really put much effort into studying, while 35% admitted to less than 5 hours of deligent study every week.

The average study time reported is 2.67 hours a day, although twice that amout of time is reported for shopping, eating, and partying.

We’ve found consistent increase in adult illitercy. Also, the majority of college graduates rate lower than average in cognitive skills. (like figuring out food cost in a grocery store)

Test scores for college grads rate less

College Grads in the US test at or less than High School kids in several other Countries.

Top Universities are declining with regrd to their Academic Rigor.

College Classes are flimsier, but College GPA averages are over 3.0. Grade Inflation seems Highest at Private Schools. More Students seem to be Failing, however, nobody fails.

And we find $Billions in Tax Payer dollars sent to these Institutions?? Makes no sense, right? If this was a Private Business we would be talking about Fraud Indictments! 

What is the answer?

Well it may not be your thousands in tuition, but our Education provides immediately access and has a proven track history of helping to create incomes of hundreds or thousands a week for its students.

IThis is not your 2 year, 4 year or 8 year course plan, either. Learn and earn within a month to 6 months.

How much does it Cost? Well how about tuition that starts at $97.

It’s too good to be true, right? Dare we compare it to College and the true SCAM it has proven to be for many Americans.

Oh, but it gets better.. you’ll get a full 60 DAYS or your $97 back!

READY? Check it out right here. But remember, this is just a GLIMPSE.. and if I was in your shoes.. I’d just get it, try it out and see for yourself the importance of what you are about to learn, because when applied… you gain 2 ways:potential incomes and time freedom. Funny isn’t it . . . you’ll never get this in School! Is college worth it? Well’ HERE are some unbelieveable options. Just connect with us below.


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